Teen Leadership Training Programs

”…even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Matthew 20:28

It is our desire to not only give each camper an amazing camp experience, but to help them learn leadership skills as they grow into healthy and successful adults. Our teen leadership program includes three phases. Participation in a previous phase is not required for participation in later phases.

Hero 1

The Hero 1 program is the first step in leadership training. A completely voluntary program, rising 10th grade campers spend 15 to 20 minutes a night with head counselors learning about basic leadership skills and how to employ them wherever they may be. Whether it is on a sports team or in class, or around friends on the weekends, we hope to equip them with the tools needed to be an effective leader — tools that mirror the actions of Jesus, the ultimate servant leader.

(Rising 10th Graders)

Hero 2

The Hero 2 program gives your rising 11th grader the opportunity to live in a cabin with other participants under the instruction of a counselor who is specially trained to raise up leaders. Every day they have a skill class they will assist teaching, learning how to lead campers as they teach them new skills. Hero 2 campers also have a 50 minute class period dedicated to leadership development taught by their counselor. This program is one of our favorites at camp. It is available to returning campers only.

(Rising 11th Graders)


The Servant And Leader in Training program is designed to help campers transition into the workforce as they seek to join our staff. This staff program is designed for rising 12th grade students. Applicants must complete the same process as our counselors and the best applicants are hired to serve at camp for five weeks during the summer. Job duties include skill class instruction, serving at mealtimes, assisting in maintaining our grounds, and serving campers during Outpost and evening snack. All staff are directly supervised by a trained member of our Summer Leadership Team who guides them through their duties while encouraging them in their relationship with the Lord.