The Strong Rock Story

Learn how our overnight camp started.

The Beginning

James and Corie Himstedt met while working at a summer camp in Georgia during their college years. They both loved what the camp atmosphere provides kids — intentional growth through fun! They worked at camps over the years in many different roles, serving, learning, and dreaming.

In 2002, through the shared vision of Corie’s parents Larry and Norma Adams, they together purchased 250 acres in the north Georgia mountains. Construction soon began on the infrastructure of camp, turning woods into roads, lakes, pastures, and finally the first building, the horse barn!

Opening Day

After years of hard work, Strong Rock opened the gates and welcomed our first campers in the summer of 2005! Starting with two sessions and 74 campers, we were finally able to witness and facilitate life-changing experiences in the lives of children.

Our Story Is Your Story

Strong Rock Camp has been blessed to have the opportunity to serve many families over the years. Thank you for allowing our stories to merge as we become one big camp family that seeks to see kids grow in independence, develop confidence, and grow into the men and women that God created them to be.