Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year! First off, enjoy some firework pictures from camp! We hope you’ve had a great Christmas, and have spent some quality time with loved ones.

As the new year begins, we are all looking froward to different things. We’re looking forward to learning new things, having new experiences, and using this past year to better ourselves. We reflect on the fun times, and the difficult times, and we often will use these to structure our next 12 months in our mind.

What are you looking forward to this year? Are you looking forward to camp this summer? Looking forward to trying a new schedule, learning a new skill, or making new friends? Whatever you’re excited for, It’s always good to remember you’re not alone in your efforts. Maybe you’re trying something out of your comfort zone this year, but may not feel like anyone else is struggling with it like you. More than ever, now is a time in our culture where lots of people are looking for these experiences and challenges. Look for some community to share this with, maybe you can find a friend who is also doing something new and you can help keep eachother accountable. For me, there isn’t much that is more discouraging in these experiences than feeling alone.

I think a lot about camp when this comes to mind. With your cabin, and as you go to skill classes, you’re going to experience something new or that may make you feel a little uncomfortable because you have never done it before. The great thing about learning new things at camp is the friends you have to help you get through it. You’ve got people to cheer you on, when you need encouragment and people to guide you when you aren’t quite sure what to do next.

As you go through the year, a lot of the skills and attitudes learned from a session at camp will help you get through many situations. We learn lots of skills that are practical for everyday, we learn lots of creative ways to handle situations and make our mind work. We also learn at camp to do hard things, and we learn about the love of Jesus that will help us through that because of who He is and what he has done for us. Over anything this is our number one encouragment.

I know there is a lot of days when we aren’t spending time at camp, however I really do think that the days which are spent there are so valuable for helping us make it through the rest of the year. And the time at camp is something to look forward to on those other days!