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Give Back To Camp Weekend

We are so excited to announce our Give Back to Camp Weekend! We are inviting all former staff members and their families to join us during our Staff Training. This weekend is a great opportunity to give back to the camp that has given us so much.

Our Give Back weekend will be May 23-25 and we would love for all former staff members to bring their families and join us! Arrive Friday night after grabbing dinner on your own. Lodging will be provided with a cabin for single men, one for single women, and family housing available when needed. With our current staff camping out for the night, the gym and lodge will be open for any former staff and families to enjoy.

Saturday will be our Camp Beautification day, where we will be spreading mulch, pulling weeds, organizing our outpost, and generally sprucing up camp. This will be a great time for you to be able to give back while working with old and new staff alike. Saturday afternoon we will be cooling off at the lake with a beach party, and after dinner we will play a nostalgic camp game followed by a fire-side chat where our former staff will have an opportunity to impart wisdom and share funny stories with our 2024 staff. We welcome you to worship with us Sunday morning, before checking out by 2:00 pm on Sunday.

We are very excited about our veteran staff returning to make an impact on Strong Rock this year! For more information, please give us call or shoot us an email. We would love to answer any questions you have. RSVP soon as spots are limited based upon housing.